Package com.github.fge.jackson.jsonpointer

JSON Pointer related classes


Class Summary
JsonNodeResolver Implementation of TokenResolver for JsonNode
JsonPointer A TreePointer for JsonNode
ReferenceToken One JSON Pointer reference token
TokenResolver<T extends TreeNode> Reference token traversal class
TreePointer<T extends TreeNode> A pointer into a TreeNode

Exception Summary

Package com.github.fge.jackson.jsonpointer Description

JSON Pointer related classes

This package, while primarily centered on JsonPointer, is a generalization of JSON Pointer to all implementations of Jackson's TreeNode.

The fundamentals of JSON Pointer remain the same, however: a JSON pointer is a set of reference tokens separated by the / character. One reference token is materialized by the ReferenceToken class, and advancing one level into a tree is materialized by TokenResolver. A TreePointer is a collection of token resolvers.